We are dedicated to pursuing the highest quality genetics for our breeding program. In terms of our training platform: We train with an emphasis on positive reinforcement.
We train for several different desired behaviors.
These are the categories that our Vizslas fall under:
Bird Dog – none for sale
Junior Hunter – Birds – none fore sale
Puppies – Discussed at age 8 weeks to determine appropriate household needs/fit with families
Started Dogs- currently unavailable
Finished Dogs – currently unavailable
The first style of Vizsla trained are the hunting dogs. They are specifically bred for: high energy, high prey drive, trainability, endurance.
We love our dogs and their stories, so we welcome you to keep in touch with stories and photos of your new family member.
When you are looking for the perfect addition to your family, please consider a Vizsla, they are the most compassionate and eager to please of all the breeds, in our opinion.